June Community Meeting Recap

Things are moving in Cottage Grove and we're here to keep you updated on everything you need to know! The June community meeting was PACKED with updates on infrastructure improvement projects impacting our neighborhood, an overview of proposed community events for the rest of the year, and more. Check out the slide deck or the meeting minutes for a quick recap, or review the recording for the whole story.
A few key updates are as follows:
Construction to COMPLETE the sidewalks Kansas St, funded by District C (thank you!), will start this fall. This is a $158,000 investment in our neighborhood!
TxDOT and City of Houston is planning to close the block of the I-10 feeder where it dead ends into Cohn St at Cottage Grove Park as a trial to see if it will help with drunk drivers not crashing into Cottage Grove Park. This was not requested by our neighborhood, and we are seeking ways to provide community feedback once we are able to experience the impact of this closure.
Confirmed that no private property will be acquired by METRO as part of its bus rapid transit project that's funded and starting in 2025 along I-10. This project will add bus transit along I-10 and really nice stops (see renderings in the meeting deck) at Shepherd and Memorial Park.
An environmental study is happening for TxDOT's expansion of I-10, to which we are adamantly opposed and have publicly voiced opposition in a letter. We will watch this space and let you know when it's time to act to try and stop this mess!
The work to widen Hempstead Highway at one of the key entrances of our neighborhood continues to be delayed, with work now scheduled for completion in Dec of this year. With all the work left to do, it's hard to see how that's possible.
The City is replacing the playground at Cottage Grove Park! Please email us your feedback by the end of June so we can incorporate it and send it to the City.
We can't do this without volunteers and our awesome members! If you live in CG, consider becoming a member of the Civic Association to help support this important work and have a voice in it too.
We hope you'll join us at a future meeting, and we hope to see you around the neighborhood! Stay cool out there!